This sequence diagram outlines the process flow of an online food ordering system. It begins with the customer selecting a restaurant, triggering the Online Food Ordering System to fetch the menu from the Restaurant Database. Once retrieved, the system displays the menu to the customer. The customer then places an order, which is sent to the restaurant. After confirmation, the customer makes a payment, verified by the Payment Gateway. Upon successful verification, the system confirms the payment, and the customer receives a payment confirmation. Finally, the customer receives the order through a delivery person.


Edit this diagram in Gleek

Online food ordering system diagram code in Gleek

Customer- selects restaurant -> Online Food Ordering System

Online Food Ordering System- fetches menu ->+ Restaurant Database

Restaurant Database- returns menu ->- Online Food Ordering System

Online Food Ordering System- displays menu -> Customer

Customer- places order -> Online Food Ordering System

Online Food Ordering System- sends order ->+ Restaurant

Restaurant- confirms order ->- Online Food Ordering System

Online Food Ordering System- sends confirmation -> Customer

Customer- makes payment -> Online Food Ordering System

Online Food Ordering System- confirms payment ->+ Payment Gateway

Payment Gateway- verifies payment ->- Online Food Ordering System

Online Food Ordering System- sends payment confirmation -> Customer

Customer- receives order -> Delivery Person

Customer needs to select a restaurant and place an order:note -- Customer

Customer needs to make payment after placing order:note -- Customer

About sequence diagrams

Sequence or event diagrams help create an overview of how a system works. Sequence diagrams show how all the different parts interact with each other over time, carry out the required actions, and complete processes. A sequence diagram descends from top to bottom showing a sequence of interactions and sequence diagram notations.

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