The state diagram for the hotel management system outlines its operational sequence. Starting at Idle, the system awaits interaction. From Idle, staff login redirects to the Staff Menu, where room management options are available. Within the Staff Menu, staff can manage rooms, perform check-ins leading to Room Assignment, and check-outs leading to Room Clearing. Room Assignment involves room preparation and check-in, transitioning to the Guest Checked-In state. Room Clearing involves room cleaning and check-out, leading to the Guest Checked-Out state. Additionally, the Staff Menu offers room status management, allowing staff to view, update, and display room statuses. The cycle continues, with operations looping back to the Staff Menu or returning to Idle upon completion.


Edit this diagram in Gleek

Hotel management system diagram code in Gleek


/g Idle


/g StaffMenu




/g RoomAssigned



/g RoomCleared



/g RoomStatus




StaffMenu-->Stuff LoggedOut


Stuff LoggedOut-->[O]

About state diagrams

State diagrams, a subset of UML's behavioral diagrams, visualize object lifecycles and transitions, pivotal in computer science. These diagrams portray system states, transitions, and event triggers, aiding software, circuits, and protocol designs. In modeling reactive systems, they clarify responses to internal or external events, bridging understanding across technical and non-technical stakeholders. State diagrams are indispensable tools, enabling comprehension and illustration of intricate system behaviors.

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