This UML class diagram for a User Management System outlines key entities such as User, Admin, Customer, Role, and UserGroup. The User class is abstract, with attributes like Username, Password, and Email, and methods for Login and Logout. Admin extends User, providing functionalities like adding, deleting, and updating users, while Customer also extends User with methods for registering, updating profiles, and deleting accounts. The Role interface allows assigning or removing roles, and the UserGroup class handles grouping users by adding or removing them from groups. Admin and Customer both connect to User, with Admin linked to Role and Customer associated with UserGroup, demonstrating the system's role and user group management.


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User management system diagram code in Gleek


























Customer --> UserGroup

UserGroup --<*> User

User -.-> Role

About class diagrams

Class diagrams are used in software engineering to describe the structure of a system. A class diagram uses Unified Modeling Language (UML) to show the classes, attributes, methods (or operations), and their relationships to each other in the system. Class diagrams prove valuable in object-oriented modeling. Class diagrams can be used to model the data structure or to design a system in detail.

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